Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Former Labour mayor of Blackburn defects to UKIP

The former mayor of Blackburn, Michael Madigan, has defected to UKIP.

Madigan was a Labour councillor for 25 years and has been a Labour Party member for over 40 years. He has explained his reasons for defecting in some detail:
The leadership of the party has been reacting to policies promoted by the coalition government and not leading with clear alternatives.

The Labour Party’s outright opposition to welfare reform, has not in my opinion, done them any credit.

Also we cannot indefinitely continue to support with tax payers money those who do not make, and have never made, any contribution to the public coffers or to society generally. This is not congruent with the Beveridge principles (Social Security based on contribution and service) which have been diluted to a great extent, particularly by the Labour government.

The Labour Party has created an environment that has caused the development of parallel communities by the promotion of multiculturalism.

Their policies have contributed to the radicalisation of young Muslims with the increase of non-EU immigration, the imposition of political correctness, the relaxation of border controls, an illegal war in Iraq and importantly the issue of too many work permits for clerics from the Indian sub-continent.

The Labour Party promoted postal votes on demand which in my opinion has opened the door for abuse on a very large scale witnessed in Blackburn, East Lancashire and Birmingham in particular.

I have given many thousands of hours to the Labour Party but it has changed dramatically and no longer represents my views and the views of many other former loyal supporters.

I believe that UKIP is now the party of the working class and is the only one that will fight for our interests and not just act for the benefit of the out of touch Westminster elite.

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If UKIP truly represented the working class people of this country it would Immediately REJECT and propose a moritorium on Shale Gas exploration, or at least be truthful to the people about the reality of life for those who live with it.. Instead of including in their Manifesto. It is financialy unviable, and more importantly has caused many ignored conflicts of interest from ground level right up to Cabinet level to go unchallenged. It was sneeked in under clause 24 of the infrastucture bill and has never been properly debated either in public, the media nor Parliament . Many polls have been conducted in which , over whealmingly the ordinary people have rejected it, but again that is ignored. More importantly, by using stealth to introduce this dash for cash not gas. Nescience is a form of ignorance but equally all parties seem to be guilty of nescience in the fact that they all agree with Fracking although it has never been properly assessed as something the population would be in favour of. None of the parties are telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth on this subject, on the contrary it's all systems go...The Corporate lust for profit is still common to the UKIP phenomenon...
Secondly , another paralell which the other parties and UKIP are not prepared to discuss is the creation of money despite any debate that may have been had recently or in the past back to post 1914. All parties refuse to acknowledge a presedent which has already been set back in 1914 at the suggestion of the private bankers...in an effort to avoid a run on the banks. "The Bradbury Pound" as it became known is is a "Bridge too far" for all politicians so it also dwells in the house of nescience.
You will not find a party comitted to reversing its way out of a corporate technocracy the "Puppet Masters" will not allow it to happen.However though, UKIPS stance on the EU is commendable since it is corrupt by default. 19 years and several sackings (probably followed by gagging orders) later the issue is seldomely discussed by UKIP or the others especially the Labour contingent, their devotion to Corporate Technocracy is as unshakeable as David Cameron's support for ISRAEL.

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