Greek MPs have voted to reject the presidential candidate put forward by prime minister Antonis Samaras, causing fresh elections in January.
Stavros Dimas needed the support of 180 Greek MPs but only managed 168. Samaras was hoping to get the support of the Independent Greeks and Democratic Left for Dimas but failed.
The eurosceptic Syriza party is currently leading in the opinion polls and with other eurosceptic parties make up over 50% of the indicated vote. Greece is the second most eurosceptic country in the EU after the UK and the punishing austerity imposed on the country means that there is a very good chance that Greece could end up beating the UK to be the first country since Greenland in 1985 to leave the EU.
Monday, 29 December 2014
Greek eurosceptics could take power in early elections next month
Antonis Samaras,
Stavros Dimas,
Greek eurosceptics could take power in early elections next month
AlexisTsipras|Antonis Samaras|Greece|Stavros Dimas|Syriza|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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Greek eurosceptics could take power in early elections next month
AlexisTsipras|Antonis Samaras|Greece|Stavros Dimas|Syriza|
Kev · 534 weeks ago