The Mirror are trying to suggest that UKIP MEP, Jim Carver's brother was planted in the Question Time audience last night to make it biased against Russell Brand.
Background checks are done on all the people who apply to be in the Question Time audience so the producers will have been well aware that Rob Carver is Jim Carver's brother. Likewise, they'll have been very aware that the woman who spent most of the night screaming abuse at Nigel Farage, telling him he is a racist and she's coming to get him, is Bunny La Roche of Kent International Socialists who organised the violent attack on Nigel Farage that resulted in him being hit over the head with a placard earlier this year.
Bunny La Roche - or Comrade Bunny as she's known to her friends in Unite Against Fascism, the Socialist Workers Party, Hope not Hate, Stand up to UKIP, Rock Against Racism and whatever other far left band of thugs and propagandists she's associated herself with - heckled and abused Nigel Farage and other audience members throughout the show.
The Question Time producers knew what they were doing when they invited Comrade Bunny onto the show, Russell Brand is fine preaching his authoritarian, extremist agenda at people when he's got a camera to himself or an interviewer he can dominate but when he's in front of a live audience of mainly switched on people and a panel of politicians capable of demolishing every bit of nonsense he utters he's clearly out of his depth and it shows. The flamboyant gobshite was nowhere to be seen.
Friday, 12 December 2014
Left wing extremist planted in Question Time audience
Bunny La Roche,
Hope Not Hate,
Jim Carver MEP,
Kent International Socialists,
Nigel Farage MEP,
Question Time,
Left wing extremist planted in Question Time audience
Bunny La Roche|Hope Not Hate|Jim Carver MEP|Kent International Socialists|Nigel Farage MEP|Question Time|SWP|UAF|

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About the author:
wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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Left wing extremist planted in Question Time audience
Bunny La Roche|Hope Not Hate|Jim Carver MEP|Kent International Socialists|Nigel Farage MEP|Question Time|SWP|UAF|
Brimstone52 63p · 535 weeks ago
Mike Spilligan · 535 weeks ago
Bob · 535 weeks ago
Someone being the brother of an MEP is very different to someone being interested in politics and left-wing.