Devon County Council has tried to bury a report criticising their failures to tackle child abuse by publishing it on Christmas eve.
The report says that children are being abused on a daily basis in Devon but the police and the council have an unsatisfactory lack of information on it.
The Lib Dems say they were given verbal assurances that the conservative leadership of the council wouldn't try to bury the report by releasing it over Christmas.
Wednesday, 7 January 2015
Devon County Council release critical child abuse report on Christmas eve
Child Abuse,
Devon County Council,
Lib Dems
Devon County Council release critical child abuse report on Christmas eve
Child Abuse|Conservatives|Devon County Council|Lib Dems|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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Devon County Council release critical child abuse report on Christmas eve
Child Abuse|Conservatives|Devon County Council|Lib Dems|