Saturday, 10 January 2015
North East Conference - 7th February at Hartlepool Borough Hall
Hartlepool’s Borough Hall will play host to the most exciting North East conference to date, with many high profile speakers lined up to take part in the days events.
Some of the confirmed speakers include Party Leader Nigel Farage MEP, Deputy Leader Paul Nuttall MEP and UKIP's Communities spokesman Amjad Bashir.
Parliamentary candidates from across the North East region, along with the North East MEP, will be available for all delegates to speak with and ask their questions. A buffet lunch with drinks will be provided for all delegates at lunch time and the licensed bar will be available during the day.
Click here for more details.
North East Conference - 7th February at Hartlepool Borough Hall
Amjad Bashir MEP|Hartlepool|Nigel Farage MEP|North East Conference|Paul Nuttall MEP|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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North East Conference - 7th February at Hartlepool Borough Hall
Amjad Bashir MEP|Hartlepool|Nigel Farage MEP|North East Conference|Paul Nuttall MEP|