OFCOM is consulting on proposals to designate UKIP as a major party for the 2015 general election and the local elections in England.
The LibLabCon parties will be working together to try and prevent this and deprive UKIP of the same level of media coverage that they will get in the run up to May so it's important that as many people as possible respond to the consultation to give their views. The evidence for UKIP's designation as a major party is overwhelming - we have won Westminster by-elections in 2014, came first in the EU elections in 2014 and over the last two or three years have made significant gains at all levels of local government, forming the official opposition in a number of primary local authorities. UKIP has representation at all levels of government - local, devolved and national - and in all four member states of the UK.
Click here to respond to the consultation.
Thursday, 8 January 2015
OFCOM consulting on proposal to designate UKIP as major party for 2015 elections
2015 General Election,
OFCOM consulting on proposal to designate UKIP as major party for 2015 elections
2015 General Election|OFCOM|

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About the author:
wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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OFCOM consulting on proposal to designate UKIP as major party for 2015 elections
2015 General Election|OFCOM|
Bernard from Bucks. 89p · 531 weeks ago
Your link on the right hand side no longer works, The site went down four days ago.