Monday, 16 February 2015

Channel 4 showing anti-UKIP "mockumentary" tonight

Channel 4 are broadcasting a "mockumentary" tonight showing a distopian vision of the first 100 days of a UKIP government.

The programme has been produced for Channel 4 by RAW Productions and includes race riots, forced repatriations, businesses collapsing and of course the realisation of UKIP's fictional first female Asian MP that the party had it all wrong and doesn't represent people like her.

Channel 4 have openly admitted to the programme being biased and says that they have no obligation - even as a taxpayer-funded public service broadcaster - to show balance until the restricted period for the election starts in May. Not that balance is anything Channel 4 could be accused of, of course - they aren't just funded by the UK taxpayer, they're also funded by the EU and an active member of the European Broadcasting Union, the EU quango responsible for the farcical Eurovision Song Contest. Nor could you expect balance from RAW who are funded by Creative Europe, part of the EU Commission.

It is usual for a company or political party to have advance screenings of programmes like this that aim to utterly destroy their reputation or prospects but Channel 4 refused to let UKIP see this programme in advance. The party isn't too bothered about the programme given that it's only on Channel 4 and previous attacks on UKIP have had the opposite effect but it's still a worrying development in the propaganda war being waged against UKIP by vested interests when taxpayer funded public service broadcasters can be openly biased against a political party 3 months before an election and the conflict of interest over their EU funding is dismissed or just ignored.

Channel 4 is part funded by the BBC television tax and like the BBC is liberal left wing to the core. We aren't their sort of people (public school education, Guardian reading vegans) so they see UKIP as a fair target. There are regular sneering attacks on UKIP from Channel 4 which should be incompatible with their status as a public service broadcaster. Perhaps UKIP needs to extend its scrutiny of the BBC to Channel 4 when formulating policy on the TV licence and the future of state broadcasters.

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How about applying the full provisions of the Trade Descriptions Act to all party political broadcasts and applying it to this particular misrepresentation as it is nothing more or less than a US style attack advertisement for the EU.

I would also like to see UKIP pledge to abolish the TV Licence within one year of coming to office and make it illegal for any public service broadcaster to receive EU funding without making full and complete disclosure of that fact at the start and finish of every programme it transmits.
1 reply · active 525 weeks ago
Forveron1's avatar

Forveron1 · 525 weeks ago

The programme was childish and pointless. it was meant as a hatchet job but has backfired.
This is an outrage with an upcoming Election, you would have been better to investigate Rotherham and the child abuse by Pakistani men on our children for years and why the Labour councillors and police and social services ignored and covered it up. Oh but the EU wouldn't benefit from that would they???
I agree with Robert about stopping the licence fee , but we would not have to worry to much about the EU funding when we become the Government
Turn it to our advantage "Look at what is happening in our democracy".

Campaign on "UKIP will make the BBC et al accountable to the people, not appointed trusts etc".
Channel 4 programme tonight about UKIP would have been more credible if they'd used Miliband and Sturgeon, because a UKIP government wouldn't produce the riots like they wish to portray.
Reality if in the highly unlikely event Farage did become pm the majority of British people would not be uncomfortable with border controls and leaving the EU, indeed some would be very happy others don't care.
Likewise the left for all their noise and multiple profiles online are hard pushed to turn out big marches today with unions having to lay on buses to get their people into London from far and wide, with little hard core flying pickets used mostly these days as rent a mob. Most of the public sector union types won't say boo to a goose, so Channel 4 would be presenting the usual rabble rousing lefties who aren't workers and indeed would line up even Conservative and some other mainstream political support behind Farage, around 80% of Britain would support him dealing with riots, so the portrayal tonight is going to show something that is highly unlikely to happen.
I'm also deeply disturbed this programme is ultimately funded by eu cash and going out now on TV so close to an election, but if it's anyone but Labour that's fine it seems?
In comparison, if C4 had made a programme about Labour and perhaps them in coalition with the SNP, you could imagine riots under Miliband and deep divisions in our society with home nations at each others throats.
After the spiteful mansion tax and other wealth and business killing taxes see wealthy people leaving London and a run on the £ as businesses leave that results in a few banks collapsing and for the hard working few there's the added problem of wages that now don't get paid. Ed Balls then has to call in the IMF and people start riots, in frustration at no wages and anger that they've had their economy destroyed by Miliband who was elected to PM despite gaining fewer votes than previous PM Cameron. Amongst this confused political and economic background Miliband fails to deliver the big promises he made to welfare junkies who were sold upon his line of poverty is based upon the measure of you're not getting the latest iPhone. Welfare dependent sections of society go berserk in their neighbourhoods after banks fail to pay their dole one week, which coincides with the same week workers didn't get wages due to bank failures.
Seeing an opportunity to extend their increasing dominance Muslims finally choose their moment amongst this Labour SNP chaos to announce sharia law in their community areas and call on Miliband to enshrine this into UK law with other concessions specifically for Islamic institutions and residents, initially he dithers and hundreds are killed as radical Islamic clerics urge followers onto the streets to target Jewish institutions and symbols of the British state. British streets run with blood as returned jihadists battle hard pressed police and far too few soldiers deploy too late after Yvette Cooper couldn't decide what to do initially and SNP meddling delays deployment due to pacifist concerns, Pakistani heritage votes or law and order were also issues that divided Labour cabinet members and back bench left wing MPs, so anarchy reigns for days on our streets as Council Offices and Synagogues burn.
Faced with a Bosnian style conflict on our streets Miliband capitulated to the demands of Muslim pressure groups and his own back bench MPs from these areas, agreeing to Sharia law and Islamic control of huge swathes of Britain, the police and army are ordered to pull out and former jihadists hold the balance of power in places like Rotherham now, their first action is to order all women into the burka and they execute a few Jewish local government workers as spies.
Just as Miliband thinks he's extinguished the flames of problems on British streets Sturgeon's SNP announces unilateral independence for Scotland and seals the border, after SNP politicians make symbolic last trip home on a special train dubbed the leaving Scotsman.
Middle England and the white working classes turn to Farage to oust Miliband and organise the nation and reclaim a sense of order from the utter failure of the left. Europe is silent as they've booked a meeting to discuss Britain in 2 weeks time as item 17 on that days business agenda, Farage sends them we're leaving letter to cheers of the British public.
Anyhow, it's all make believe, but there's more credibility there than what we'll see tonight on C4 about UKIP, so C4 missed a great programme opportunity of the first days of a Miliband government, where as Farage would actually suit most of us but there again most of us aren't brave enough to publicly admit that even if you're like me and not a kipper.
This is an outrage! I want to be able to elect whoever I want and march them immigrants to the door.
I find it incredible that this has been allowed to be shown!! Why don't they just show, without fabrication! how our existing Conservative government has made a complete mess of a once proud Country, had they done a better job of protecting our beautiful Country, the UKip party would not have been necessary. Who in their right mind thinks it's OK to let illegal immigrants live in our Country?? Nigel's got my vote.
Winstanley's avatar

Winstanley · 525 weeks ago

1 reply · active 525 weeks ago
Brain fully engaged already thank you, unlike the troll Fenton that you're quoting.
Tony Davis's avatar

Tony Davis · 525 weeks ago

There are many fundamental errors of fact in this blog post. I suggest you all have a look at for enlightenment.
1 reply · active 525 weeks ago
There are no fundamental errors in this blog post, the troll Fenton is wrong on every count as usual.
To clear-up a few inaccuracies here - CH4 hasn't 'openly admitted to the programme being biased', it isn't tax payer or EU funded, it doesn't need to show balance until March, the European Broadcasting Union has no connection with the EU, there is no evidence to suggest RAW if funded by Creative Europe - Creative Europe itself is not part of an EU Commission as there is no such thing. In fact the only thing funded by the EU in relation to the CH4 docudrama is UKIP itself.
1 reply · active 525 weeks ago
Well done, you've managed to copy and paste from the troll Fenton's blog. To clear a few inaccuracies in your comment - well, all of your comment - read this:
m McIntyre's avatar

m McIntyre · 525 weeks ago

For god sake stop trying to use your propaganda tatiics because you are afraid just how much support UKIP have and could get a good share of the vote.Really why is it that any one connected with UKIP including the BBC gets a hard time but the other useless lot get away scott free,It really is becoming so obvious and boring what you are trying to do.

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