A Conservative county councillor in Suffolk has refused to resign despite moving 4,000 miles away to North Carolina.
Cllr Brian Riley says that he doesn't need to resign because he can still do the job by Skype and email when he's moved to his retirement home in the States. He says that he will visit Suffolk every 6 weeks or so.
Riley need only attend one meeting every 6 months by law to remain a councillor and will continue to be paid £10k a year in allowances.
The local Conservative Party have suspended him.
Thursday, 12 March 2015
Conservative councillor in Suffolk refuses to resign despite moving to America
Cllr Brian Riley,
North Carolina,
Conservative councillor in Suffolk refuses to resign despite moving to America
Cllr Brian Riley|Conservatives|North Carolina|SUFFOLK|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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Conservative councillor in Suffolk refuses to resign despite moving to America
Cllr Brian Riley|Conservatives|North Carolina|SUFFOLK|