The Labour Party are distributing leaflets in Dudley falsely claiming that "UKIP want to scrap our free NHS" complete with a fake medical bill.
UKIP is committed to maintaining a free NHS at the point of need. There will be no American-style healthcare system and no UK resident will receive a medical bill for NHS treatment. There is no truth whatsoever in this malicious leaflet and it could be argued that distributing this leaflet knowing that it is false is an offence under Section 106 of the Representation of the People Act.
Wednesday, 4 March 2015
Labour distributing leaflets telling lies about UKIP and the NHS in Dudley
Labour Lies,
Labour distributing leaflets telling lies about UKIP and the NHS in Dudley
Dudley|Labour|Labour Lies|NHS|

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About the author:
wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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Labour distributing leaflets telling lies about UKIP and the NHS in Dudley
Dudley|Labour|Labour Lies|NHS|
Kev · 525 weeks ago
They have taken Jane Collins to court for mistruths according to the Cheap Labour Party so why do we not do it to them .It would not take a lot of money to start and could be the best UKIP have spent in the campaign , can you imagine the amount of leaflets that Cheap Labour would have to burn just in case we won
ann · 525 weeks ago
I contacted them of course .....
Bucks_Pensioner 72p · 525 weeks ago