Clarke was a UKIP parliamentary candidate many years ago who defected to the Conservatives and went on to become leader of the council. He lost his seat in the 2013 local elections when UKIP routed both the Conservatives and Lib Dems, taking 12 seats on the council.
UKIP has the clarity of vision and drive to sustain the Britexit argument over the longer term, not just for one election, or one referendum but for much longer if necessary.You can read the rest of his very eloquently put reasons for joining UKIP on his blog.
This is absolutely necessary if we are to protect our way of life for our children and our grandchildren.
In my lifetime the UK population has been in the 40 millions. Today according to the ONS figures it is 64m and rising. In 2012 we had 498,000 long term migrants resulting in net migration of 158,000. Where does it end.
UKIP celebrate migration. Attracting the very best people from around the world is a great thing.
But unrestricted migration from the EU is a bad thing, placing sever demands on our public services and needing ever more houses to be built.
We need a points system like Australia. To get this we need to leave the EU. This is not about race, creed, sex, politics but about numbers. Our small island is filling up.
Cambridge would benefit from a points based system allowing the very best to study here, from around the world, and then go on to stay and run successful companies.
But it is not just about Europe.
I'm Frustrated with the Conservative party – A feeling that the political classes based in London are increasingly out of touch with real people.
Old Albion · 517 weeks ago
Combined with the pathetic references in the Conservative manifesto Re. EVoEL ...........absolutely no political party for me to vote for.