As the election gets closer, the campaign of threats, intimidation and vandalism against UKIP candidates and supporters is escalating.
Signs are being stolen and properties are now being vandalised on a daily basis, someone threatened to firebomb Nigel Farage's house on Facebook yesterday and a man has been arrested for threatening to behead a UKIP candidate in Newcastle today.
Nigel Farage's request for police protection for the election campaign was knocked back for a second time earlier this year and the threat posed by criminal gangs of fascist anti-democracy protesters to UKIP candidates and supporters is met with indifference by the police. There is an organised and coordinated campaign to undermine the democratic process and the police are standing by and watching it get out of control. Groups of far left criminals all over the country are making a mockery of the law and the law doesn't care.
Friday, 24 April 2015
Far left criminals are making a mockery of the law
Far left criminals are making a mockery of the law
Elections|Intimidation|NIGEL FARAGE|Police|Vandalism|

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About the author:
wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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Far left criminals are making a mockery of the law
Elections|Intimidation|NIGEL FARAGE|Police|Vandalism|
DICK R · 516 weeks ago
Keith J. · 516 weeks ago
Brian · 516 weeks ago
Kev · 516 weeks ago
Where are Cheap Labours New Brown Shirts when Sainsbury's & Tesco are paying everyone the minimum wage and having their workers wages subsidised to the tune of 11.5 billion by the British Tax Payer
Now that is a worthy campaign to back , having ago at UKIP is not
Both Sainsbury's & Tesco sponsor the Cheap Labour party
Adele · 516 weeks ago
Adi · 516 weeks ago