Labour's candidate for Ceredigion and Cardiff councillor Huw Thomas called on Plaid candidate Mike Parker to resign over an article he wrote in 2001 comparing rural Wales to the American mountains "inhabited by a sprinkling of paranoid conspiracy theorists, gun-toting Final Solution crackpots and anti-government obsessives". Thomas said "There should be no place in our politics or our society for such divisive and hateful language".
However, it turns out that Huw Thomas was responsible for a torrent of racial abuse in 2006 against English people, calling for cars bearing English flags in Wales to be vandalised and describing people who have English flags as chavs, simpletons and casual racists.
Lee Ingram · 517 weeks ago
UKIP have done a grand job of taking the thorny mass immigration issue back from the far-right as have delicately and fairly detoxed it from Far-Right hateful poisoning of the past, and so it is consequently now a balanced and acceptable issue on mainstream party’s agendas even and is on most people’s lips without anyone having to look over their shoulder or whisper it in case of persecution.
UKIP should acknowledge their decent non-extreme remedy given to the subject that in the wrong hands can be misused for an untoward agenda, but it is in safe hands now and many are thankful for UKIP’s common sense approach on the subject.
There is another thorny issue that needs recapturing from the far-right and sanitising. This subject is of a larger scale than mass immigration as involves a community of approximately 42 million people and that is those of ‘English ethnicity’ as asserted in the Census 2011.
The far-right tried to use them as a vehicle for their hidden hateful agenda by representing them in the past and failed thankfully.
UKIP seem a likely candidate (excuse the pun) to liberate this thorny issue back from the sinister clutches of the far-right to moderate it without a hateful bone in their bodies, without muddying its waters and without folding to the unjust racist accusations, just as they did tactfully with the thorny mass immigration issue with backbone as well as intelligent care.
There is no doubt that they can find the middle of the road stance of acknowledging and representing this ethnic group of approximately 42 million along with all other ethnic groups and by catering for their wishes, needs, concerns and cultural sensitivities along with all other ethnic groups.
After all, this 42 million people are not the fascist far-left are they?
This 42 million are not to be abandoned because of a bunch of wrong uns that tried to represent them are they?
This 42 million are not to be discriminated against because caring for them has become unjustly taboo, are they?
I trust that UKIP are nothing like establishment parties who are ethno racists omitting the English ethnic group from all of their policies and lips, whilst catering for all other ethnic groups.
And I trust that there is a potential gigantic English block vote for UKIP if they add this community to their community policy’s focus appropriately.
Signed: One of the thorny 42 million.