A Conservative PPC and councillor in Yorkshire has defected to UKIP.
Cllr Mike Whitehead was the Conservative PPC for Hull West & Hessle until the weekend when he resigned his membership and joined the people's army. He is currently a councillor for Willerby & Kirkella ward on East Riding Council.
Cllr Whitehead describes a culture of bullying and intimidation in the local Conservative Party and a lack of interest by the national party in dealing with the problem.
Both Cllr Whitehead and his former Conservative colleague, Cllr Mick Burchill, who defected to UKIP last week will be standing for re-election as UKIP candidates in the local elections.
Monday, 6 April 2015
Yorkshire Tory PPC defects to UKIP
Yorkshire Tory PPC defects to UKIP
Cllr Mike Whitehead|Conservatives|Defection|East Riding of Yorkshire|Yorkshire|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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Yorkshire Tory PPC defects to UKIP
Cllr Mike Whitehead|Conservatives|Defection|East Riding of Yorkshire|Yorkshire|