A UKIP supporter in Bournemouth has been attacked by anti-democracy protesters who he disturbed trying to vandalise his UKIP poster for the second time.
Mark Smith disturbed five men at around 11pm yesterday and after an exchange of words they drove off in two cars. They returned shortly afterwards and when he confronted them again he was punched in the face and kicked around the floor.
If you have any information on the violent scum who would kick a 49 year old man around his garden for stopping them causing criminal damage on his property then Dorset Police would like to hear from you.
Tuesday, 5 May 2015
Anti-democracy protesters attack UKIP supporter
Mark Smith
Anti-democracy protesters attack UKIP supporter
Assault|Bournemouth|Mark Smith|

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About the author:
wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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Anti-democracy protesters attack UKIP supporter
Assault|Bournemouth|Mark Smith|
DICK R · 516 weeks ago