The media are trying to spin Suzanne Evans' departure as head of policy as being part of a "purge" of plotters against Nigel Farage but she's simply reached the end of her contract.
Evans was employed by the party as head of policy on a four month fixed term contract which comes to an end this month. She hasn't been sacked and she hasn't resigned, she's simply working to the end of her contract.
She has also strongly refuted suggestions that she was involved in a coup attempt against Farage and publicly backed him as leader along with Patrick O'Flynn and Douglas Carswell who the media also accused of plotting against him. The only place this coup existed was on the pages of the papers who quote unnamed "sources" as evidence of a mysterious plot that has defiantly failed to exist despite a week of media hype. Not only has the much talked about coup failed to materialise, there has in fact been almost unanimous support for Farage from the rank and file membership all the way through to the National Executive Council and our MP and MEPs.
Suzanne Evans is staying on as Deputy Chairman of the party, a position that she has held for almost a year. It's a funny purge that leaves the purgee in one of the most senior positions in the party. Speculation in the press that Mark Reckless is to replace Evans when her contract ends next week appears to be just speculation.
Tuesday, 19 May 2015
No, Suzanne Evans is not a "plotter", nor is she being "purged"
Suzanne Evans
No, Suzanne Evans is not a "plotter", nor is she being "purged"
Suzanne Evans|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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No, Suzanne Evans is not a "plotter", nor is she being "purged"
Suzanne Evans|