UKIP councillor, Rex Parkinson-Hare, has been unanimously elected as chairman of Norfolk County Council.
The UKIP group on Norfolk County Council successfully abolished the undemocratic cabinet system in 2013 and replaced it with the cabinet system that ensures the views of the majority are represented rather than the biggest minority.
Cllrs Toby Coke, Paul Smyth and Jonathon Childs have all also been elected as chairs and vice chairs of committees.
Monday, 18 May 2015
UKIP councillors take key positions on Norfolk County Council
Cllr Jonathon Childs,
Cllr Paul Smyth,
Cllr Rex Parkinson-Hare,
Cllr Toby Coke,
Norfolk County Council
UKIP councillors take key positions on Norfolk County Council
Cllr Jonathon Childs|Cllr Paul Smyth|Cllr Rex Parkinson-Hare|Cllr Toby Coke|Norfolk County Council|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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UKIP councillors take key positions on Norfolk County Council
Cllr Jonathon Childs|Cllr Paul Smyth|Cllr Rex Parkinson-Hare|Cllr Toby Coke|Norfolk County Council|