A petition has been started by feminist pan-sexual model, student union officer and Green Party activist, Sarah Gillborn, to ban the UKIP LGBT* group from taking part in the Pride march in London this weekend.
Psychology student Gillborn is a Green Party activist who regularly attacks UKIP on social media. Her anti-democratic, politically motivated petition - which claims that lots of gay people will feel unsafe marching with gay people from UKIP in case they've been turned into an army of gay hating gays from being in an "inherently homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, racist and misogynistic political party" - has been publicised by the Green Party (obviously) and Pink News and has got over 500 signatures.
If bigoted political activists are allowed to prevent members of the UK's third largest political party from taking their rightful place in the London Pride then it shouldn't be allowed to go ahead. Either every LGBT* group should be welcome or none at all.
Wednesday, 3 June 2015
Green Party activist trying to ban UKIP from London Pride
Green Party,
Sarah Gillborn
Green Party activist trying to ban UKIP from London Pride
Green Party|LGBTQ* in UKIP|London|Pride|Sarah Gillborn|

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About the author:
wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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Green Party activist trying to ban UKIP from London Pride
Green Party|LGBTQ* in UKIP|London|Pride|Sarah Gillborn|
Crystyn Thomas · 512 weeks ago