Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Cameron wants to fill up prisons with illegal immigrants

David Cameron has a plan for dealing with illegal immigrants and asylum seekers illegally working in the UK - put them in prison.

With 1.8m people already living here fit for work but out of a job, 2m EU citizens working in the UK and net immigration of over a quarter of a million people a year there is a massive over-supply of unskilled, unneeded labour and a chronic shortage of jobs. But putting illegal immigrants and asylum seekers who are working illegally into prison isn't going to solve that because the problem is with legal immigrants. Restricting economic immigration to the numbers we need with the skills we need will solve the unemployment problem and the huge cut to the social security bill will give the economy a welcome boost.1

Putting illegal workers into prison is only going to create jobs for human rights lawyers and prison staff. There would be legal challenges, the British government would lose them and a dangerous precedent would be set. Illegal immigrants are breaking the law by living here, let alone working and can be deported immediately. Asylum seekers can't get here to claim asylum legally so they can be deported to the first safe country they entered. We don't need any more unskilled immigrant labour; illegal immigrants and illegal asylum seekers need to be deported not banged up in prisons that are already too full to deal with our own criminals, at the taxpayers' expense.

UKIP MEP and immigration spokesman, Steven Woolfe MEP, said:
This must be the week that the net migration numbers come out since this announcement has to be one of the most stupid ideas yet from a Government utterly bereft of a clue on how to deal with the migration crisis. It’s an idea dreamed up the Conservative Party’s PR department to camouflage Thursday’s ONS immigration statistics which will show that yet gain the government has lost control of Britain’s borders.

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John Redwood has published on his web site - - a letter from the Immigration Minister saying what the government is proposing to do, it all sounds great.. However, the problem seems to be that the Human Rights Act which appears to take precedence over all other legislation and even if the proposals are implemented, some judge will rule that they can't be implemented due to Human Rights issues. To add insult to injury, I, as a tax payer, am expected to help fund their legal cases, at a time when legal aid is being refused to many British citizens, with the Human Rights lawyers making a fortune. We should stop all legal aid to non-citizens; let those who favour immigration start a charity to fund it with private money.
Once again, I expect all talk but no real action.

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