Thursday, 13 August 2015

For every unemployed person in the UK there is an EU immigrant working here

Unemployment is up for a second quarter by 25,000 to 1.85m people.

In other news, there are now more than 2m EU immigrants working in the UK.

If immigration reflected actual need then we'd let about 250,000 people move here and then allow in the number of people we need to fill the vacancies we have at the time. Net immigration last year alone was 260,000 which is clearly unsustainable. We can't afford to support 1.85m unemployed people and their families as well as a quarter of a million largely low skilled, low paid economic immigrants.

UKIP policy is to freeze economic immigration for 5 years to allow the 1.85m unemployed people who already live here fair access to the job market and then reintroduce economic immigration with strict controls on the number of people and the skills they have.

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Immigration should be based on a need for a work force not the need for human traffickers and private companies that gain though tax payer funding to profit only a few while burdening the many..
What can be done but to sigh wearily and hope that the people of this country have had enough to get us out in the referendum? They're realising now that we get nothing from the EU but humiliation, overbearance and interference. So roll on the referendum. If Cameron won't come to his senses, he'll have to be forced.

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