According to the International Organisation for Migration, just over 1m illegal immigrants came to Europe last year. Of those 1m illegal immigrants, 1.5m went to Germany and 200k went to Sweden. If two countries have taken 170% of the official number of illegal immigrants, either the public are being deliberately misled or those responsible for tracking them are incompetent.
Saturday, 16 January 2016
Germany received more illegal immigrants in 2015 than officials say entered the continent
Dodgy Maths,
Illegal Immigrants,
International Organisation for Migration,
Steven Woolfe MEP,
Germany received more illegal immigrants in 2015 than officials say entered the continent
Dodgy Maths|Germany|Illegal Immigrants|International Organisation for Migration|Steven Woolfe MEP|Sweden|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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Germany received more illegal immigrants in 2015 than officials say entered the continent
Dodgy Maths|Germany|Illegal Immigrants|International Organisation for Migration|Steven Woolfe MEP|Sweden|