Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Cameron's sham renegotiation will be watered down by MEPs after the referendum

David Cameron's sham renegotiation is expected to be watered down even further when MEPs get their hands on it.

The EU Commission and EU Parliament both have co-legislative powers, meaning that new legislation has to be passed by both bodies before it becomes law. The EU Commission may agree to a watered down version of Cameron's compromised compromises but the EU Parliament is full of militant europhiles who hate the UK and are absolutely committed to the EU project and who will oppose anything that runs contrary to the federalist project.

Whatever Cameron agrees with the EU Commission will also need to be agreed by the EU Parliament and will be subject to change by MEPs after the referendum. Not only will voters be asked to vote for a set of watered down compromises of compromises but they'll be asked to vote for a set of watered down compromises of compromises that will probably bear little resemblance to the even more watered down version that makes it through MEPs.

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