Monday, 29 February 2016

Immigration causing major shortage of school places

Mass immigration is causing a shortage of school places and poor attainment amongst English-speaking pupils according to the Campaign for Real Education.

According to figures released by the Department for Education, 1.19m pupils in England speak English as a second language and the CfRE says that so much teaching time is taken up helping pupils that don't speak English as a first language that those who do are being held back and neglected. A teacher from Oxford has told the Association of Teachers and Lecturers that staff aren't trained to teach children who don't speak English as a first language.

One in six English secondary schools are over-subscribed but rising immigration means 300,000 extra children will need to be found a school place over the next 5 years.

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I few years back when a friend of mine was posted to Germany by his employer, he wanted his children to go to a local German school as he thought this would be best for them. They were refused entry on the basis that the school had no facilities for teaching German and they would have to learn the language first. They ended up at an American school in Germany. If they can refuse non-German speakers, why can't we refuse non-English speakers? Seems throughout the EU, different rules apply to us than to the Germans (and French). Why?

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