David Cameron has refused to take part in any televised debates with eurosceptics in the run up to the EU referendum and will only take part in a Q&A session if he is the only person answering questions.
Yellow belly Dave is particularly scared of sharing a platform with Nigel Farage after seeing what happened to Nick Clegg before the EU elections when Farage wiped the floor with him. He has consistently avoided going head to head with Farage knowing that the same fate awaits him.
The Electoral Reform Society and even some of his own MPs have criticised Cameron for running scared, saying that public debates between eurosceptics and leading europhiles like Cameron are important.
Wednesday, 10 February 2016
Yellow Dave bottles out of debating with eurosceptics
Yellow Dave bottles out of debating with eurosceptics

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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Yellow Dave bottles out of debating with eurosceptics
Bill Power · 474 weeks ago
But he wont. The EU is sinking under a slew of insurmountable catastrophes and its out of touch elite are ready to do anything shore up their sinking Leviathan. They see Britain leaving as the straw to break the camels back. One of the main planks of Mr Cameron's renegotiation was the sovereignty of our Parliament to make our laws and apply them. Tax credits were intended for UK workers but not for migrants who contributed nothing towards them. Mr Cameron may claim he has extracted a 4 year emergency break on this point but as with everything to do with Europe the devil is in the detail. Forget our sovereign parliament it cannot engage this brake without permission from the European Parliament plus the same body alone has the power to rescind it. This begs the question why bother voting for Mr Cameron at all when the real decisions are clearly out of his hands and his deal to get us to stay in the EU is clear evidence to the contrary.
As to the supposed built in veto requiring 55% of national parliaments to object within 12 weeks, William Hague stated this hurdle was so great that even if the Commission decreed the slaughter of the 1st born the veto would be impossible to achieve, yet incomprehensibly he still commends an IN vote.