Guido has revealed that two heads of British Chambers of Commerce have publicly backed remaining in the EU in the last few weeks without losing their jobs.
The BCC claimed, following the suspension of their now former Director-General for personally endorsing leaving the EU, that making such comments undermine the BCC's official stance of neutrality on the EU referendum. But the Chief Executives of both the Kent and Cornwall Chambers of Commerce have publicly supported the remain campaign with impunity.
Sounds like an open and closed case of constructive dismissal ...
Monday, 7 March 2016
BCC suspended Director-General for supporting Brexit but not two chief execs who supported remain
BCC suspended Director-General for supporting Brexit but not two chief execs who supported remain
British Chambers of Commerce|EU REFERENDUM|Guido|John Longworth|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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BCC suspended Director-General for supporting Brexit but not two chief execs who supported remain
British Chambers of Commerce|EU REFERENDUM|Guido|John Longworth|