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Wednesday 11 May 2016
Dear.... ,
I have recently read that the BBC are offering internships that specifically exclude white youngsters from applying.
I cannot adequately express my disgust with the BBC and other organisation involved with bringing this about - nor with the politicians who have created laws and brought about a culture where this can be considered acceptable.
Should white people of your age feel they have had an unfair advantage they are at liberty to hand over their wealth to others and surrender their jobs.However, a white youngster entering the jobs market today has has no such advantage - and is makes me sick to the stomach that guilt ridden middle-aged white progressives (in labour and conservative parties) would sacrifice the future and lives of our children to assuage their own guilt.
This is human sacrifice instigated and approved by those we trusted to govern.
Can you assure me that you will stop this racism by the BBC and sanctioned by your government?
Yours sincerely
First published at
Wednesday, 11 May 2016
Letter to my MP - BBC offering work to non-whites only.
Letter to my MP - BBC offering work to non-whites only.

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Blogger is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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Letter to my MP - BBC offering work to non-whites only.