A Lib Dem councillor has resigned after comparing prostitution to accountancy and saying that careers advisors should be allowed to suggest it as a career.
Cllr Dennis Parsons, chairman of Cheltenham Lib Dems, gave a speech at a Lib Dem party conference on the stigma of sex workers. He went from calling for the legalisation of prostitution - something recommended by a committee of MPs in July - to asking why careers advisors be able to suggest prostitution as a career choice for children.
Lib Dem leader, Tim Farron, said that he's not going to slap down Cllr Parsons because when you want people to "explore ideas" then they have to say things that are "quite shocking". We'll bear that in mind next time someone from UKIP says something "quite shocking" to "explore ideas".
Sunday, 18 September 2016
Lib Dem councillor says school careers advisors should be allowed to suggest prostitution as a career
Cllr Dennis Parsons,
Lib Dems,
Lib Dem councillor says school careers advisors should be allowed to suggest prostitution as a career
Cheltenham|Cllr Dennis Parsons|Lib Dems|Prostitution|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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Lib Dem councillor says school careers advisors should be allowed to suggest prostitution as a career
Cheltenham|Cllr Dennis Parsons|Lib Dems|Prostitution|