This was a deliberate and cynical ploy by David Cameron, the Conservative government and our MP's to pretended to have given us the choice, but with a disguised escape clause in case we didn't give them the result they wanted.
Stitched up like UKippers by Dodgy Dave and the Con-servatives.
The public believed that the UK would leave the EU with no further ado if there was a leave vote.

Jeremy Corbyn though so...
Cameron had said so (said in parliament, published Feb 2016)...

But what had actually been passed in parliament said nothing about this, the bill just covered the mechanics of running and counting the referendum...
Moreover, the briefing notes (issued to MP's ahead of debates because bills are usually too complicated and legalese for simple MPs to read and digest themselves) specifically said that the referendum was not binding, implied no time scale and contrasted this with the AV referendum in the previous parliament (also overseen by David Cameron) that would have changed the voting system with no further enabling legislation.

David Cameron oversaw this referendum and the AV referendum, he must have well known what he was doing by making this different to the previous one. Given the rapid repudiation of the result by certain MPs is seems certain that MPs were clearly and specifically briefed about this before the vote...
This was a deliberate and cynical ploy by David Cameron, the Conservative government and our MP's to pretended to have given us the choice, but with a disguised escape clause in case we didn't give them the result they wanted.
It seems quite probable that the case brought against the government in court was prepared ahead of time by agents of David Cameron (as PM) and given to them to present in court.
Stitched up like UKippers by Dodgy Dave and the Con-servatives.
[First Published at]