The wife of the disgraced former Conservative leader of Shropshire Council is to appear before the council's standards committee over alleged planning irregularities.
It is believed that two complaints have been made about Cllr Joyce Barrow's conduct but the council says it is unable to comment. Her husband, Keith Barrow, was last year forced to resign after a former UKIP councillor reported him for misconduct in public office and the police opened an investigation.
Friday, 11 November 2016
Shropshire Conservative councillor under investigation for planning irregularities
Shropshire Conservative councillor under investigation for planning irregularities
Cllr Joyce Barrow|Conservatives|Oswestry|Shropshire Council|Standards Committee|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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Shropshire Conservative councillor under investigation for planning irregularities
Cllr Joyce Barrow|Conservatives|Oswestry|Shropshire Council|Standards Committee|