A UKIP motion in the Welsh Assembly to abolish tolls on the Severn Bridge has been passed by AMs without opposition.
Mark Reckless AM put forward the motion, describing the tolls as "a tax on Wales". After accepting a Labour amendment the motion passed 45 -0 with one abstention and 14 AMs not bothering to turn up. The Welsh government doesn't control the bridge but it will apply pressure on the British government when they take back control of the crossing next year.
UKIP policy is to abolish all tolls on publicly owned roads in the UK.
Thursday, 17 November 2016
UKIP motion to abolish Severn Bridge tolls passed in Welsh Assembly
Mark Reckless AM,
Severn Bridge,
Toll Roads,
UKIP motion to abolish Severn Bridge tolls passed in Welsh Assembly
Mark Reckless AM|Severn Bridge|Toll Roads|Wales|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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UKIP motion to abolish Severn Bridge tolls passed in Welsh Assembly
Mark Reckless AM|Severn Bridge|Toll Roads|Wales|
Daggs · 434 weeks ago