The Italian 5 Star Movement has been knocked back by the ALDE group, leaving them unattached and out of pocket after voting to leave the EFDD group yesterday.
Grillo says that the party will attempt to form its own group in time for the next EU elections in 2019 but in the meantime, the funding that his party will no longer be getting will go to the groups that promote the very things his movement opposes.
Tuesday, 10 January 2017
ALDE group reject 5 Star Movement
5 Star Movement,
ALDE Group,
Beppe Grillo
ALDE group reject 5 Star Movement
5 Star Movement|ALDE Group|Beppe Grillo|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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ALDE group reject 5 Star Movement
5 Star Movement|ALDE Group|Beppe Grillo|