Fiona Mills has been unveiled as UKIP's candidate for the Copeland by-election.
Mills has worked in the NHS for 24 years and helped write UKIP's health policy. UKIP was the only party to have an independently verified, costed plan to put more money into front line health services.
In an interesting twist, Labour are standing the same candidate in Copeland that Fiona Mills stood against in Carlisle in 2015. She's worked as a junior doctor for just over a year in 1991 and on that basis claimed to be a doctor and surgeon in the 2015 general election.
The Lib Dems have selected Rebecca Hanson as their candidate. She desperately wants us to stay in the EU and hopes that Remoaners will vote for her to "send a strong message" against Brexit.
The Tories have yet to announce their candidate to replace John Stevenson who resigned to take a job in the private sector.
Friday, 20 January 2017
Fiona Mills announced as UKIP candidate for Copeland by-election
Fiona Mills
Fiona Mills announced as UKIP candidate for Copeland by-election
By-election|Copeland|Fiona Mills|

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About the author:
wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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Fiona Mills announced as UKIP candidate for Copeland by-election
By-election|Copeland|Fiona Mills|
jeanshaw2 37p · 426 weeks ago
Chris dark · 426 weeks ago