Irish budget airline, Ryanair, has announced 9 new routes flying out of Stansted.
Ryanair joined Project Fear for the EU referendum, threatening to scale back its UK operations if we voted for Brexit. In fact, a month after the referendum Ryanair said it would be concentrating on growing operations in the EU at the expense of the UK. They said that this winter they would "cut capacity and frequency on many London Stansted routes".
Saturday, 14 January 2017
Ryanair introduces 9 new routes from Stansted despite making Project Fear pledge to cut them back
Project Fear,
Ryanair introduces 9 new routes from Stansted despite making Project Fear pledge to cut them back
Project Fear|Ryanair|Stansted|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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Ryanair introduces 9 new routes from Stansted despite making Project Fear pledge to cut them back
Project Fear|Ryanair|Stansted|