It's here! The very first issue of Dorset UKIP News as promised earlier this month .Thousands will now be delivered across Dorset on a bi-monthly bias.
This issue inculdes:
• Stop the spin! - and cut your fuel bills
• Taking care of business - Rollo Reid on why he
joined UKIP
• Mike Hobson - The taxpayer’s friend
• Graham Booth steps down
• Tuckton Post Office - MP powerless to stop
• Your Say - Residents angry over velodrome
• Calm-Word - Relax with a word puzzle.
UKIP Dorset news
If anyone can help deliver the paper in Dorset please contact john@ukipdorsetnorth.org.uk
The South Essex branch is holding a Trafalgar Day Dinner on Sunday 19th October at ‘The Estuary Club’, 1386 London Road, Leigh-on- Sea, Essex, SS9 2UJ, 12.30pm for 1.00pm sit down. Three course lunch plus coffee and mints. Special diets catered for. Dress smart informal or naval. £20 per person. Please ring Toni Thornes on 01702471842 for a booking form.