The next joint leafleting is to be held in Stafford on Saturday 15th November, could all those who would like to join the leafleting team on that day please let me know by return e-mail.
The idea is to leaflet area´s where UKIP has not campagined before hoping to get UKIP actvie to those areas and setting up branch´s there.As before, when we held our first successful West Midlands team leafleting day in Leamington Spa, we will meet up at 10 am then the teams will disperse until lunchtime where we will all meet up for a spot of lunch and a bit of refreshment, then back out in the afternoon.
These leafleting days are proving worth while, not only do we get a lot of leaflets out in one go, but its good to meet up with fellow campaigners, young and old, and do some worthwhile campaigning. Please let me know if you can join in.
Details of the meeting place and lunchtime venue to follow when arranged.
Regards, Derek Bennett.
This is well worth going to !!
Monday, 27 October 2008
UKIP West Midlands day of action
Derek Bennett,
UKIP West Midlands day of action
Derek Bennett|UKIP|

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About the author:
Josh O'Nyons is a former UKIP member.


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UKIP West Midlands day of action
Derek Bennett|UKIP|
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