It will be the first time that the party, which is committed to withdrawing Britain from the European Union, has been active in the Borough. UKIP are inviting Members and non-members alike to the inaugural meeting to get a flavour of what the party stands for. And they will unveil their first two election candidates - 63-year-old local campaigner Bill Whitehead and his son Richard, 24.
The father and son team, who live on St Andrew's Road South, will contest the St Annes North and South seats at the upcoming County Council elections in June.Bill, who was active in the Save St Annes Swimming Baths campaign, said: "We are sick of the way things are being run and decided it was time to do something.
"Our main belief is that we shouldn't be a part of the European union, which is so costly and tells us all what to do, when the money could be spent on British citizens." Also at the meeting will be UKIP MEP Dr John Whittaker and Regional Organiser Dr Fred McGlade, who will provide an update on the progress of the European and County Council campaigns.
Questions will be invited and welcomed at the meeting, something which Bill says will be at the heart of their manifesto. "We want to get back to the old way of doing things, where people were actually listened to. We believe a lot of people in the community are fed up with the Conservatives and will listen to what we have to say. The most important thing is just to get people involved."
The move makes UKIP the second party this year to mount to challenge Fylde Tory supremacy.The meeting will take place on March 27 at St Margaret's Church Hall, St Leonard's Road West, at 7.30pm.
Good News!
Here's some more. In Dorset they've just launched the Election special of Dorset UKIP News:
Read and download it from here:
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