Monday, 29 March 2010

Nick Griffin caught lying again

The Bigoted Nazi Party has claimed that UKIP are responsible for allowing a piece of legislation to pass by only 5 votes in the EU pretendy parliament resulting in more taxpayers money being spent after UKIP MEPs walked out before the vote took place.

It's true that UKIP MEPs left the pretendy parliament before the vote took place and true that if UKIP MEPs had stayed to vote and voted against it that it would have failed but it is not a piece of legislation, nor will it cost the taxpayer anything.

The vote was on an "own initiative" report which has isn't a piece of legislation, doesn't change any law, won't be implemented and won't cost the taxpayer a penny.  The only effect of walking out before the vote took place is that the pretendy parliament was reminded of what a useless charade it is and Nikki Griffin looked is exposed (once again) as a liar.

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Yes I think everyone who supports UKIP wants to know why on earth they walked out before the vote took place . Will a UKIP MEP please explain what they were up to .
UKIP are nothing more than a politically correct safety valve for the lib/lab/con regime, its sure going to be entertaining watching UKIP get thrashed by the BNP at the polls in may :D
The Bigoted Nazi Party <<< This is an insult to all the war vetrans and patriots in the BNP, don't be jelous just because the BNP have a far better chance on may 6th than UKIP, i feel sorry for the good ppl who voted ukip in the euros, another wasted 5 years i bet!
Steve Halden's avatar

Steve Halden · 782 weeks ago

There is overwhelming support for a European federal superstate, inside the EU parliament.

UKIP must do what it can to raise public awareness of this danger to our democracy.

If a law is rejected in the EU parliament, it simply comes back again and again until it is passed. The EU parliament is a steamroller crushing all opposition and dissent.
Steve Halden's avatar

Steve Halden · 782 weeks ago

But thinking about the General Election and the TV debates to come over te next few weeks, this is a bad omen.

Are UKIP and the BNP going to hammer away at each other the whole time, giving the Lib/Lab/Con an easy ride through these debates.

This is an important election both for UKIP and for Britain. If Britian does not regain control of its borders, the British economy will collapse.

We owe it to the people of Britain to stick to the big issues, and not get distracted.

We will be wasting our breath if we spend the whole election attacking the BNP. I think we should ignore the BNP as being too small to worry about and turn our big guns on the Lib/Lab/Con.
Sadly UKIPS immigration policy is very weak and the end result is just as dangerous as lib/lab/con's. People need to realize that native brits are rapidly heading to become a minority in their own homeland due to mass immigration, The BNP are the only party that will and can stop the timebomb.

quote Steve Halden
"We will be wasting our breath if we spend the whole election attacking the BNP. I think we should ignore the BNP as being too small to worry about and turn our big guns on the Lib/Lab/Con."

LOL BNP will easily out vote ukip in most area's
Steve Halden's avatar

Steve Halden · 782 weeks ago

UKIP's policy is for a five year halt to immigration. This is to give the immigrants already here time to find a job and a home.

I think that most people would consider that to be a fair and reasonable policy.
Steve Halden's avatar

Steve Halden · 782 weeks ago


There is more at stake in this election than who gets the biggest vote between UKIP and BNP. We should be firing our big guns at the Lib/Lab/Con.

Both UKIP and BNP will be wasting their breath if we spend the whole election attacking each other and so give the Lib/Lab/Con and easy ride through the General Election 2010.

The Lib/Lab/Con are getting all the publicity on TV. The Lib/Lab/Con have just had the Chancellors debate on TV.

The Lib/Lab/Con will get the Prime Minister debates on TV.

None of the smaller parties are getting a fair deal in this election. We will all be fools if we give the Lib/Lab/Con an easy ride, and fail to attack their federalist agenda.

I believe that the policies of the Lib/Lab/Con will cause the British economy to collapse. They all believe in running down British manufacturing industry, and an open immigration door to all 500 million EU citizens.

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