Whilst I have no way of knowing, did it not dawn on the previous author that she after 16 years may well have the personal contact details of friends and associates accumulated in that time, and would therefore not be breaching the Act.
As for the use of the logo, a simply question really, given there are so many versions, do they all have copyright protection, the party is not exactly hot on such things. Remember the butterflies.
Finally is it fair to use this blog to 'attack' Nikki.
Sunday, 28 March 2010
Nikki: List
Nikki: List
The Pub Consultancy Service

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The Pub Consultancy Service is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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Nikki: List
The Pub Consultancy Service
wonkotsane 85p · 782 weeks ago
Peter Armstrong · 782 weeks ago
Though what ever her problem is though I do not support her action for suing a party when we trying to fixs the country. All we need is a UKIP having baggage to deal with when they have BBC and other big media ignoring the party as much as possible and on top dealing with 3 big party s that not really serving there own people.
Josh O'Nyons · 782 weeks ago