With no apparent notice or discussion, the UKs armed forces are being dismantled.
Some of the latest sudden retirements:-
Harriers: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-11996936
Arc Royal: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-12260501
Nimrods: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-12294766
*New* Eurofighters!: http://www.key.aero/view_news.asp?ID=2902&thisSection=military
Our armed forces were already understrength and over committed. The Navy gave up a number of ships in return for a promise for 2 new aircraft carriers as part of the 1998 defence review. That number now reduced to 1, and even that subject to indefinite delays on construction and aircraft.
To have a government/state, the first requirement is for to be able to defend itself. If it can't be defended itself it has no sovereignty, it operates only at the whim and by virtue of the good will of others.
Without credible UK armed forces, there is no credible UK. If we are reliant on EU forces then EU are soverign here.
Dismantling our armed forces transfers sovereignty to the EU - where is our referendum?
The current phase of transfer of power and (post Lisbon) is well under way.
Phase 1 was to create EU structures parallel to UK structures
Phase 2 is to wind down UK structures
The 'Bonfire of Quangos' does not remove the 'work' they did, often the UK quango was cut because there was already an EU quango in place to perform its function.
The same is happening with UK armed forces - this transfer is not about giving the EU operational control over our forces. It is winding down UK forces while the EU expands its own - with no history, loyalty or any other national baggage to hinder its obedience only to the unaccountable EU commission and their unelected 'High Representative'.
Thursday, 27 January 2011
Defence cuts are a massive transfer of sovereignty to the EU.
Defence cuts are a massive transfer of sovereignty to the EU.

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About the author:
Blogger is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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Defence cuts are a massive transfer of sovereignty to the EU.
anglotaff 22p · 737 weeks ago
Baron Pepperpot · 716 weeks ago
Aaron jones · 737 weeks ago
ParkingPermit · 737 weeks ago
raymond f jones · 716 weeks ago
if that were not so we would command our own destiny, what I set out is a possible strategy, I could set many more out. Best one being borderless countries with no sea.After the "Second Coming".Before is madness.
ray jones · 716 weeks ago
who have made such a mess, they have had to become cowards rather than admit their terrible failures.Racism
is used widely by those who are to afraid to see the possibility of absolute disaster.