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Little Willy says vote Conservative and they'll make the hurting stop. Scouts honour. |
The Conservative Party is not a eurosceptic party. Their MPs and MEPs have all gone native. Tory supporters put their faith in the likes of Douglas Carswell and the other handful of eurosceptic Conservatives in Westminster but they're frustrated at every turn by the sheer weight of europhile MPs and sycophants who have surrendered themselves entirely to the whip and will vote how they are told. They put their faith in Roger Helmer and Dan Hannan, not realising that the token eurosceptic Conservative MEPs are there to attract votes and deflect attention away from the fact that the Tories are firmly in the pro-EU camp, along with Labour and the Lib Dems. The Conservative and Unionist Party is, in reality, the Conservative and European Unionist Party despite the vague rhetoric from Little Willy about controlling the EU's constant power grabs.
Millions of people were led to believe they were voting for a eurosceptic party when they put their X next to the Conservative Party candidate - they were conned into voting for ever closer union, ever increasing power for the EU and ever rising bills for the privilege.
@pperrin · 736 weeks ago
@Akvavitix · 736 weeks ago
Man in a Shed · 736 weeks ago
wonkotsane 85p · 736 weeks ago
Christopher · 736 weeks ago
Check the BNP & UKIP objectives - have no dount that the BNP is very positive about 'out of EU'. Pull together fellows - we want out of the EU.
FaustiesBlog · 736 weeks ago
BTW, Feedburner gives me the facility of tweeting a link to my blog posts, as soon as they are posted. Might it be possible to tweak it so that each of BfUKIP's postings can be tweeted automatically by guest authors of your blog? I.e., when anyone posts a new blog post on this blog, it will automagically be tweeted in my tweetery and WfW's, for instance?
I'm looking into this, but as yet, I've not found a way.
gillig · 735 weeks ago
John Pocock · 729 weeks ago
A parliamentary vote does not attract the honest views of MP's who are afraid to have their votes recorded.