Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Woman arrested for racial abuse on London tram

A woman who has appeared on a YouTube video racially abusing passengers on a tram in London has been arrested.

The video has apparently had over 1m hits (although the version I found has only had 46k) after being mentioned on BBC Breakfast and has led to police finding her and arresting her.  While she is abusing passengers about not being English or British she is holding a young child which is hardly the best example of responsible parenting.

The views the woman has are undoubtedly shared by a lot of people but screaming them at people - any people - on a tram littered with foul language in front of your own child and other peoples' children is not appropriate.

I am assuming that someone on the tram made a complaint (and rightly so) but I wonder if the person who uploaded the video to YouTube rather than send it to the police is going to be punished for distributing offensive material?  After all, if it wasn't for the video being posted on the internet, no more than 30 people would have heard what was said rather than the million that have been exposed to it now.

Offending someone with your opinion shouldn't be illegal, aggressively shouting those views in an abusive manner at someone should be.

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Ortiz dane's avatar

Ortiz dane · 693 weeks ago

This lady is bi polar. She suffers very badly from it. She has also not had the best of times as a child. She is on high dosages of tablets for the condition, she wasn't drunk as some say. This is not an excuse but fact.
She also, believe it or not ...has an Asian brother in law and black friends who hold no grudges as they know how badly she suffers with her mental problems .the person she was on the tram is not the person she normally is when she is feeling fine. There is more going on here than the papers have reported, so please think before you totally condemn her.
Her family have been threatened with fire bombs and death threats, they already suffer the stress of trying to cope with her awful bi polar condition and feel totally helpless and frustrated that people are judging her without knowing all the facts.
No one likes what she said and that includes HER!

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