Eddy Butler, the former National Front, former BNP, former Freedom Party, former BNP a couple more times, former BNP national elections co-ordinator, has joined the English Democrats.
The announcement, which was the EDP's worst kept secret since his mate Richard Barnbrook joined in January, will be a bitter blow to the handful of party activists that haven't yet joined UKIP who had hoped to stop the BNP takeover of the party.
UKIP recently announced a revised devolution policy that would see the creation of a federal UK with devolved parliaments for all four home nations. The final touches are being put to the full devolution policy paper before it goes to the membership for ratification. UKIP is the only non-racist, mainstream democratic party advocating the creation of a federal UK with equality for all four home nations.
English Democrats: not left, not right, just racist.
The Chairman of the English Democrats, Robin Tilbrook, has issued a threat by email demanding the removal of this post, an apology for defamation and an undertaking not to criticise the English Democrats again. His email and my reply are in the comments and needless to say he's going to be very disappointed. Robin is a solicitor and as such I would expect him to know that you can't defame a political party but judging by this latest email and the previous threats I've had off him over the years (none of which had the desired effect, naturally) I can only assume the Chairman of the English Democrats is just very bad at his job.
Item 7 in the English Democrats' Communications Officer's report of the Saturday's monthly NEC meeting says:
Further Update:
Robin Tilbrook did indeed attempt to sue me for defamation and malicious falsehood in the High Court. He lost.
The Chairman of the English Democrats, Robin Tilbrook, has issued a threat by email demanding the removal of this post, an apology for defamation and an undertaking not to criticise the English Democrats again. His email and my reply are in the comments and needless to say he's going to be very disappointed. Robin is a solicitor and as such I would expect him to know that you can't defame a political party but judging by this latest email and the previous threats I've had off him over the years (none of which had the desired effect, naturally) I can only assume the Chairman of the English Democrats is just very bad at his job.
Item 7 in the English Democrats' Communications Officer's report of the Saturday's monthly NEC meeting says:
7. The membership application from Eddy Butler to join the English Democrats was acceptedA copy of the report can be found on the England Exists blog, amongst other places. Chris Beverley - another prominent BNP activist that the English Democrats accepted into their ranks - also confirms that Eddy Butler has joined the English Democrats.
Further Update:
Robin Tilbrook did indeed attempt to sue me for defamation and malicious falsehood in the High Court. He lost.
raymond jones · 694 weeks ago
Daggs · 694 weeks ago
tony justice · 693 weeks ago
the EDP a republican anti English end of GSTQ,any of them wish to sue me they know where i live bring it on SU
wonkotsane 85p · 693 weeks ago
Dear Mr Parr,
Your blog entry has been brought to my attention. It is a gross defamation of myself and all members of the English Democrats. Accordingly if it is not taken down forthwith then I shall be issing proceedings against you.
I also require an apology from you and an undertaking that there will be no repetition.
Robin Tilbrook
The English Democrats
Dear Robin,
Which bit do you think is defamatory? For your sake, be careful with your reply and threats because they will be published as soon as I've read them.
p.s. Not sure why you feel the need to copy Eddie Bone in on emails you send me, I'm given to believe he is no longer a member of the English Democrats, but in case he still retains an interest I'll keep him on the email.
wonkotsane 85p · 693 weeks ago
Thank you for your email.
I don't think that you are really so unintelligent that you are not fully aware of what defamatory remarks you have made.
Any allegations by you of us being "Racist" needs no negative proof on our side. The law is clear that you would need to prove that such a remark is true. That would be impossible, as it is clearly not true. What is more, your publication of this lie is not merely defamatory but is also a malicious falsehood.
Your faux concern for "my sake" is noted. I say not quite "publish and be damned" but rather publish and I will see you in the High Court. I respectfully suggest that you might wish to take legal advice before you take such a radical step with your family's future.
I give you this warning because I regard you as being an English Nationalist, albeit misguided, and also despite the fact that what you have done aleady makes you legally liable for substancial damages. If you spurn my somewhat generous gesture then you will be the author of your own misfortune.
PS I only copied in Eddie Bone because you have clearly breached your duty as a member of the NC of the CEP by behaving in this disgraceful manner and unless you retract I shall expect disciplinary action to be taken against you.
PPS You may not be aware that Richard Barnbrook has never been a member of the English Democrats.
I notice that you have already been foolish enough to persist in your folly but don't think that the superficially informed commentator who mentions Goldsmith vs Bhoyrul and Others (1997) is offering you any useful help as it won't be the English Democrats who will sue you but rather it will be me and there is no such fetter on my rights to sue you.
Robin Tilbrook
Thank you for the superficial display of concern, you don't need to be concerned for me. You are aware that a political party cannot sue for defamation and presumably you are aware that the same precedent says that a politician can't sue for something said about them in their capacity as a politician. If you think you can convince a judge to overturn the precedent for you then go for it and if you can pick out any false statement made by me about you in your personal capacity in that post then knock yourself out.
You may recall, Robin, a telephone conversation that we had some 2 or 3 years ago where you advised me to take out legal insurance if I wanted to protect myself against the cost of defending vexatious litigation. Unlike you, I know good advice when I hear it.
What I find surprising is that as a solicitor you seem to fail to grasp the basic principles of defamation. Firstly, you would have to convince a judge that criticism of your party is personal criticism of you and then that that criticism was directed at you in your personal capacity, not in your capacity as a politician. You would then have to convince a judge that these comments were detrimental to the reputation of the leader of a political party crippled with debt that is actively recruiting racists from the BNP. You couldn't even convince a judge that HSBC's decision to refuse the English Democrats a bank account on the basis that the party is English was discriminating against you because you're English despite precedent having already been set that recognises the English as a distinct race/ethnicity inside the UK.
But like I said, if you think you can convince a judge that black is white then you knock yourself out.
p.s. Thanks for the clarification about Eddie, I'm told he left the English Democrats some time ago.
p.p.s. I haven't been an active member of the CEP's NC for some time and of course this has nothing to do with the CEP but if you believe that criticising the English Democrats is a breach of my duty as an NC member, I'm sure you can point to a document that backs up that defamatory statement
Mr Rob · 693 weeks ago
wonkotsane 85p · 693 weeks ago
Following an invitation by Derek Hilling the National Party Secretary of the English Democrats, Richard Barnbrook - London Assembly Member, attended the English Democrats National Council meeting on Saturday 15 January 2011 in Coventry to explain why, he would like to join the English Democrats party.
Following discussion, and debate, the English Democrats National Council voted to allow Richard Barnbrook to join the English Democrats party in the Capacity as London Assembly Member, subject to further discussions/agreement with the English Democrats London Area Council.
Robin Tilbrook (National Party Chairman)
Steven Uncles (National Communications Director)
announced their intention to abstain from the vote, for reasons given at the time to the National Council Meeting, before the vote took place.
wonkotsane 85p · 693 weeks ago
You are mistaken about most of the remarks that you make here. I take it that you are wanting to see what the High Court says and I will accordingly start the process tomorrow.
Then we'll end this discussion here and now and I'll wait for your solicitor's letter (assuming you're not going to represent yourself again).
Mr Rob · 693 weeks ago
@England_Exists · 693 weeks ago
tony justice · 693 weeks ago
@England_Exists · 693 weeks ago
Grow up Robin and wind you solicitors neck in. A political party can not sue for defamation.
Goldsmith vs Bhoyrul and Others (1997) set the precedent that political parties cannot sue for defamation. Mr Justice Buckley ruled that "Defamation actions or threat of them would constitute a fetter on free speech at a time and on a topic when it is clearly in the public interest that there should be none."
@England_Exists · 693 weeks ago
If I hear of it, I will make sure press are available at the hearing and for comments outside. I bet the BBC would be interested in this one. Maybe the politics show that you told fibs on stating Uncles will never be speaking for the party, then three weeks later, BOOM, there he is on the same show.
Pip Pip
@England_Exists · 693 weeks ago
Tykeinkent · 693 weeks ago
englishwarrior 52p · 693 weeks ago
Enough evidence in this article for you to make a speculative claim, this is the mayoral candidate's campaign manager too.
Going to be fun bringing all this up in the London press. Tilbrook. will be happy losing this case and the elections.