Friday, 27 July 2012
New UKIP Councillor elected
UKIP's newest councillor is Kenny Davis who won a by election yesterday for a vacant seat on Northam Town Council.
Cllr Davis won with 37% of the vote followed by an Independent on 33% and the Tory candidate bringing up the rear on 29%.
Turnout for the election was 18.87% which is about right for a parish or town council by-election.
Well done Cllr Davis and well done voters of Northam for choosing the right candidate!
Cllr Kenny Davis,
Northam Town Council
New UKIP Councillor elected
Cllr Kenny Davis|Election|Northam Town Council|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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New UKIP Councillor elected
Cllr Kenny Davis|Election|Northam Town Council|