Friday, 27 July 2012
Opinium puts UKIP ahead of Lib Dems again
Polling company Opinium has UKIP ahead of the Lib Dems once again has UKIP ahead of the Lib Dems once again, not that you'd know from their headline voting intentions which list Conservatives, Labour and Lib Dems and Other Parties.
Labour are out front with 40%, the Tories are second with 30%, UKIP are third with 9.49% and the Lib Dems in fourth on 8.85%.
David Cameron is the only LibLabCon party leader that commands the support of the majority of his party with 72% of Tories approving of his record so far against just 42% for Ed Miliband and a rather pathetic 24% for Nick Clegg.
Opinion Polls,
Opinium puts UKIP ahead of Lib Dems again
Opinion Polls|Opinium|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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Opinium puts UKIP ahead of Lib Dems again
Opinion Polls|Opinium|