UKIP's Louise van de Bours secured 27% of the vote in yesterday's Congleton Town Council by-election, missing the win by just 90 votes.
The turnout was a very low 19.23% and the Tories managed to scrape a victory with 614 votes, followed by Labour with 533 votes and UKIP in third with 524 votes. Some minority party who I vaguely remember having been successful at some point last decade called the Lib Dems came last with 340 votes.
This was the first time UKIP have contested an election in Congleton so this was a great result. If the Tories hadn't put up a vote-splitting candidate, Louise van de Bours would have beaten Labour.
@Tykeinkent · 655 weeks ago
wonkotsane 85p · 655 weeks ago
@Tykeinkent · 655 weeks ago
Independent UKIP · 655 weeks ago
Paul Galley · 654 weeks ago