Tuesday, 7 August 2012
It's not UKIP's job to fix the Tories
A recent poll has concluded that as much as 60% of the Tory membership want an electoral pact with UKIP, seeing it add their only hope of avoiding a drubbing at the next election.
It's great that so many Tories prefer UKIP to the Conservatives but any suggestion of an electoral pact should be dismissed without a second thought. It is not UKIP's job to fix the Conservative Party.
At the next election UKIP will make significant gains and UKIP MPs will enter Westminster. In the process a number of Tory MPs will be unseated and a great many candidates disappointed. The same applies to the Lib Dems and to a lesser extent, Labour. There is no such thing as the lesser of two evils where the LibLabCon are concerned, we are a political party, not a Tory pressure group. If Tories are worried about being on the wrong side at the next election then they can join UKIP.
Electoral Pact
It's not UKIP's job to fix the Tories
Conservatives|Electoral Pact|

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About the author:
wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.

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It's not UKIP's job to fix the Tories
Conservatives|Electoral Pact|
Paul · 659 weeks ago
Avril K · 659 weeks ago