The ruling that his appeal was inadmissible was based on a technicality and he is now considering an appeal to the EU Court of Justice - the parent court to the EU general court that made made today's ruling. He is arguing that it is a matter of free speech and that he should have immunity in the EU Parliament as all the crooks, con artists, communists and Nazis do.
It is vital that the freedom of speech of all elected members be upheld in parliament. Freedom of speech is not just for supporters of the EU's political union.Sadly the damp rag tea towels that were being sold in honour of Farage's altercation with the wet brussel sprout are out of stock but I'm sure more could be made if there was enough call for them.
john macgregor · 653 weeks ago
tell that pillock Cameron , hes the biggest problem we have all he does & says is yes yes yes to the EU
spineless moron , get rid of him now , & give us our refferendum now
machokong 35p · 653 weeks ago
Pipo · 653 weeks ago