A Labour councillor on North East Lincolnshire Council has defected to UKIP.
Cllr Jayne Bramley said that being dictated to by whips was the last straw and having read UKIP's policies decided to defect.
It is thought that Cllr Bramley is the first Labour councillor to defect to UKIP. This means that UKIP has now attracted defectors from the Tories. Labour, the Lib Dems, the Green Party, the English Democrats and a number of local parties as well as independents.
You could have your own opinion but when push comes to shove you have to vote as dictated. I've had enough of that. I want to represent my constituents in their best interests and not just as laid down by the Whip.
I have not made this decision lightly but having studied UKIP's policies I know I am making the right choice.
machokong 35p · 615 weeks ago