The insufferably irritating Apprentice reject, Katie Hopkins, has shown herself to also be insufferably snobbish and judgemental.
Hopkins, who set up the We Want a Referendum vote-splitting vanity project with ex-UKIP MEP Nikki Sinclaire, went on ITV's This Morning show to explain how she judges children by the names their parents have given them and refuses to allow her own children (who have names that she judges in other children to be a sign of their unsuitability) to associate with children who have certain "working class" names.
What a truly awful person Hopkins is, no wonder she gravitated to Nikki Sinclaire!
Friday, 5 July 2013
Nikki Sinclaire's political partner shows herself to be an insufferable snob
Katie Hopkins,
Nikki Sinclaire
Nikki Sinclaire's political partner shows herself to be an insufferable snob
Katie Hopkins|Nikki Sinclaire|

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wonkotsane is an author at Bloggers4UKIP.


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Nikki Sinclaire's political partner shows herself to be an insufferable snob
Katie Hopkins|Nikki Sinclaire|