I am concerned that Chanel 4 News, in the persons of reporters/journalists Michael Crick and Cathy Newman are behaving in a way that is likely to provoke racial violence.
On several occasions they have used their airtime on chanel 4 to create the false impression that the United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP) are a racist organisation.
As someone who has been a candidate for UKIP in parliamentry and local elections, I beleive their behavour puts me and others like me at risk of attack from misguided 'anti-racists'.
These false accusations by these reporters on channel 4 cannot be allowed continue.
I await a response.
First published at http://free-english-people.blogspot.co.uk/2013/09/i-have-had-enough-of-channel-4-cathy.html
@MacBoyUK · 600 weeks ago
@pperrin · 600 weeks ago
adger42 · 600 weeks ago
Bernard from Bucks. 89p · 600 weeks ago
I am saddened by the whole stinking episode. Do any of you remember years ago in Spitting Image, the press were always depicted as pig characters? Well nothing has changed, has it. In fact things have got a whole lot worse.
Mark Parry · 600 weeks ago
james · 599 weeks ago