Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Vision for an Independent UK - needed now.

The work on this new covenant between the British people and its government must start now to have any hope of being ready in time.

If there were to be a referendum on our EU membership tomorrow it would almost certainly be lost - as the british people would not vote for a complete unknown. A vision of a modern independent UK is needed - people need something to actively vote for.

The UK has been a member of the EU for over 40 years, it has leached into our institutions, traditions, law and lives. It would be foolish to think that it could be removed, that we could leave, and everything would carry on as if we had never been members.

There are many questions and issues that need to be addressed - many are likely to be contentious and divisive - even among the most ardent anti-EU campaigners.

If no such vision exists then the UK and its people is laying itself open to be hijacked, and our EU exit could lead us into something far worse.

It would be possible to spend many lifetimes discussing (arguing) over every minute detail of UK after EU - and as the EU is a moving target, the discussions may not even keep pace - the EU could create new questions issues faster than old and existing ones are addressed.

To prevent this work delaying a UK exit from the EU, I think it is vital that a mechanism is put in place to allow the people to be directly and rapidly consulted on issues arrising and to make their choice. This mechanism would be the only pre-requisit of leaving - as it could be used to settle every other matter.

The recent (happening as I type!) departure of Geoffrey Bloom as a UKIP MEP shows how important it is that UK's exit from the EU cannot be intrinsicly tied to a set of absolute polices that will always alianate one section of the public or another.

Once the UK is independent then new, better, democratic systems need to be put in place, and from there on it will be the people who decide.

The work on this new covenant between the British people and its government must start now to have any hope of being ready in time.

First published at http://free-english-people.blogspot.co.uk/2013/09/vision-for-independent-uk-needed-now.html

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Real radical thinking and policy is what people want like taking over control of the railway system along the John Lewis lines and scraping the VAT on utility bills and starting up a new state owned gas and electrical company therefore smashing the utility cartels and bringing down the prices

Time to start thinking outside of the box and this could lead to life outside the EU
1 reply · active 600 weeks ago
Well put Paul! A positive vision is exactly what is needed.

The work on this new covenant between the British people and its government must start now to have any hope of being ready in time.

The work started some time ago Paul, all that is needed now is for UKIP to sign up to it.

10 replies · active 600 weeks ago
Independent UKIP's avatar

Independent UKIP · 600 weeks ago

Richard North has a visceral hatred of UKIP and contempt for UKIP members and supporters. It would be the end of UKIP as we know it for UKIP to sign up to the Harrogate Agenda.
The fact that Richard North fell out with Nigel Farage does not detract from the fact that he is a first class researcher. He does not hate UKIP members and its supporters. In any case North does not own the Harrogate Agenda. I have been to one of the workshops and I was not the only UKIP member contributing. I can't see why it would be the end of UKIP to sign up to it if represents the shape of direct democracy that we would all like to see.
Wasn't it Godfrey Bloom that suggested that the party should buy in its policies? What;s more the Harrogate Agenda comes for free.
It is adapted from the Chartist movement. The "we" being the people of this United Kingdom. It will catch on if people think the ideas have merit and die a death if they don't. That's democracy as it should be!

I'm saddened that you dismiss the ideas out of hand though. They were ideas crystallised from a full day spent (in a Harrogate hotel's conference centre) discussing what is wrong with our democracy and ways in which it could be put right. Although he was present they are not Richard North's ideas, they are conclusions of around 30 people, including several UKIP members, seeking exactly the vision you refer to above. What exactly do you think is pompous and amateurish about them? Is it because you don't think that ultimately the sovereignty of this country lies with the people?
If the site included the information you set out here it would be a start.

As it stands it looks like one mans demands that could have been plucked out of the air.
Taking your comments to heart I reviewed the site and I have to admit you're right. The links to EuReferendum and therefore to Richard North are indeed over prominent and the origins of the movement need to be explained on the site's home page. Thanks for reply.
Good for you! let me know when its updated.
What the Bloom who is no longer a UKIP MEP?

Yes, and the Bloom that is still a party member and likely to continue to play a prominent role once he furore over "slutgate" dies down.
Independent UKIP's avatar

Independent UKIP · 600 weeks ago

Fubarroso - I note you deny that North hates UKIP members and supporters, which I clearly didn't allege, but made no comment on his contempt for them (you presumably excepted) or his hatred of the party. His blog regularly demonstrates the truth of what I wrote.

The Harrogate Agenda is a revolutionary group seeking the overthrow of the entire existing political order. That isn't some flowery ideal. That is your intent though I accept there is no intention of it being a violent revolutionary group. It is relying on there being enough supporters to force the peaceful overthrow the government, remove all the parliamentarians, remove the senior officers of Bradford Council etc, etc. It rejects wholesale the existing ways in which UKIP operates. For UKIP to be a part it would need to acknowledge the irrelevance of its current parliamentary activity and work to take power with Harrogate initially without any reference to the ballot box but to getting enough people on the streets to take power from those who have won it at the ballot box. And this you think would not be the end of UKIP as we know it?!

No doubt you will quibble at some of the above but please be wary of North. He despite his great intelligence (or because of it?) is a convicted criminal with a prison record. Harrogate won't be publicising that presumably but my worry is his plans will lead you down the exact path - nicking leaflets for vulnerable people from public buildings isn't likely to endear you to the local constabulary but that is one of things North has in mind for you.
Roger Jones's avatar

Roger Jones · 574 weeks ago

The more people a country has the more jobs it needs yes? Otherwise more people are prevented or displaced from work

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